Autologous Application of Growth Factors (Priapus Shot)

The use of blood growth factors is a safe, non-surgical practice which has been applied for many years by different medical specialties, such as plastic surgery, aesthetic dermatology and orthopedics. In recent years, the use of blood growth factors has also begun to be applied in the field of andrology and in particular in the fields of erectile dysfunction, acquired penile flexion disease and aesthetic phalloplasty.


THE autologous application of growth factors to the penis (also known as the Priapus Shot or M-Shot) is an injectable procedure in which a small amount of blood is first taken, then centrifuged (separating platelet-rich plasma from other blood components), then platelet activation takes place and release of the growth factors and finally injection with a fine needle at predetermined points of the penis. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia.


THE placement and use of penile growth factors it results in the initiation of a neovascularization process, resulting in increased blood flow, thus better erectile function. This also enhances the function of men who are already taking medication to treat erectile dysfunction. PRP application when combined with vacuum pump devices appears to result in an increase primarily in penile girth. Some clinical studies show that the intrapenile injection of growth factors in patients with Peyronie's disease results in an improvement in penile flexion. Also, in the context of cosmetic procedures and penile rejuvenation programs, people who periodically receive intrapenile PRP injection report increased sensation and sexual pleasure.


No allergic reactions are reported (since it is the biological material itself), nor other unwanted side effects.


The full effect of autologous PRP application is usually at 12 weeks and the duration of results varies between 12 and 18 months.